The full MEGAlib source code can be found on github at:
The different versions of code can be found in the various branches on github:
You can get the source code from the repository via cloning it (make sure you have git installed):
$ git clone MEGAlibThen switch to the MEGAlib directory for all further commands:
$ cd MEGAlib
You can find multiple MEGAlib branches on github. MEGAlib releases are named MEGAlib_v3.06, etc. The development branch for version 4 is called main. Therefore, check out this branch now:
git checkout main
MEGAlib requires several additional programs to run. You will usually require a certain version of ROOT and Geant4 to go with a given version of MEGAlib - usually not the very latest one. If you use the MEGAlib setup script, it will automatically download the appropriate version.
In general, you require the following software components:
The following contains instructions on how to install this additional software on different OSes.
If you use one of the major Linux flavors such as Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE, etc., then you can run a small script to automatically install all the required tools and libraries which are part of your distro. In the MEGAlib directory execute:
$ bash config/configure_packages
If the script finds missing packages, it will tell you how to install them.
Please choose one of the paths below to install the required tools for MEGAlib:
Attention: If you have also Fink or Homebrew or conda installed, those might interfere with the installation of MEGAlib, and, more likely, ROOT. If you get error messages concerning wrong versions of libraries, please use a clean bash environment to install MEGAlib (i.e. one where the Fink or Homebrew or conda library and program paths are not included/exported).
On a Mac you need to install two pieces of software by hand: A current version of Xcode, and MacPorts.
$ xcode-select --installand make sure to open the Xcode app at least once.
Now run the following setup script in a new terminal. It will require sudo priviledges. Please take a look at the source code if you are cautious. In the MEGAlib directory execute:
$ bash config/configure_macports
Attention: If you have MacPorts, Fink, or Homebrew installed, those might interfere with the installation of MEGAlib, and, more likely, ROOT. If you get error messages concerning wrong versions of libraries, please use a clean bash environment to install MEGAlib (i.e. one where the MacPorts, Fink, or Homebrew library and program paths are not included/exported).
On a Mac you need to install four pieces of software by hand: A current version of Xcode, Xquartz, cmake, and, optionally, python3.
$ xcode-select --install
On Windows 10/11, you have perform the follwoing steps:
export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0and then restart your bash terminal.
When all requirements are fulfilled, it is time to run the MEGAlib setup script. The "" bash script is capable of installing MEGAlib along with ROOT and Geant4. The script is intended to be installed by the user in their home directory. Assuming you have followed the instructions in the above section (especially did you make sure to install all the libraries ROOT needs to compile, are git and cmake present?), then installing MEGAlib should be a one-step process. In the directory, where you want to install MEGAlib, do:
$ bash --branch=main
This will give you the latest development version. If you are interested in the latest release, simply do:
$ bash
Please keep in mind that upon success, the setup script saves the last used options. Thus is you want to change any options, always give them at the command line to the setup script.
The script will do the following:
In case something goes wrong, and you get an error message, after you fixed the problem, simply restart the setup process. In most cases there is no reason to delete already downloaded files.
If you do bash --help
, then you will see a lot of options for the setup script. You can set the name and path of your MEGAlib installation (--megalib-path), you can set the directory where you want to install ROOT and Geant4 (--external-path), you can give the path to an existing ROOT (--root) or Geant4 (--geant4) installation, which you want to use instead of downloading it, you can decide if you want to have the latest release or development version (--release), and you can decide which repository you want to use (--repository, but please stick with git).
Finally, the setup script also doubles as update script. Just call it from within your MEGAlib installation and it will update MEGAlib, and if it installed ROOT and Geant4 previously it will also update them. Unless you are actively developing MEGAlib, this is the preferred way to update your installation.
If everything went well, the last words of the setup script were something like this (obviously the path will point to your own installation):
In order to run the MEGAlib programs, you have to source the following file first:
source /home/andreas/Soft/MEGAlib/bin/
You can add this line into your .bashrc file (or .bash_profile on macOS),
or execute this line everytime you want to use MEGAlib in a new terminal.
The script
sets the environment variables for ROOT, Geant4, and MEGAlib. Ideally you should put the above line into your .bashrc file, or .bash_profile file if you use on macOS.
The first thing to try is to compile a current development version instead of a release version, by calling the setup script via:
$ bash --branch=main
If this does not help, please take a look at the issues page of MEGAlib on github. There, all common installation errors along with their solutions have been documented. If your problem does not appear there, please enter a new issue.
If nothing else helps, you might try to run the MEGAlib docker -- see the next main section.
The preferred way to update MEGAlib is to run the setup script again:
$ bash
Assuming the setup was once completed successfully, it will remember your old command line settings (release, branch, etc.). Thus, there is no need to give them all again
In case you are 100% sure nothing major has changed with the MEGAlib setup, you can also just do the follwoing to update MEGAlib:
$ git pull; make clean; make
If you have doxygen installed, you can generate the source code documentation via:
make doc
This will produce a series of html files which document the MEGAlib source code. They are stored in the doc/html folder. To view those files in your browser, do something like:
firefox $MEGALIB/doc/html/index.html
Please take also a look at the change log for the important changes between the MEGAlib versions: ChangeLog
Feel free to let me know any issues or anything that can be improved with this setup documentation.
If the installation with the setup script fails, or it seems too complicated, or you would have to do it on too many different machines, you could consider running MEGAlib in a Docker container.
First, go to the Docker webpage, and download and install Docker. On Ubuntu you can just install docker via: sudo apt install
On Linux, follow the optional post-installation steps to run docker as non-root user.
Before you can run MEGAlib, you need a Docker image. The MEGAlib repository contains a Dockerfile to create a MEGAlib Docker image which can be used to run all MEGAlib programs on any platform. To build your own MEGAlib Docker image, just execute:
$ git pull MEGAlib $ cd MEGAlib $ docker build -t megalib-main:latest - < Dockerfile
This might take a while to complete...
Since you want to ultimately exchange data between the docker container and your host system, you have to designate a local directory for that. Here, I assume this directory is called /host/directory or C:/host/directory for windows. The exchange directory in the container already exists, and is called /home/mrmegalib/exchange. You always need to give the FULL path here.
In the following we assume that the name of the Docker image is "megalib-main:latest".
On some Linux systems, due to X11 security limitations, you might have to do "xhost +" before you issue to following command to run the image:
$ docker run -v /host/directory:/home/mrmegalib/exchange -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -e USERID=`id -u ${USER}` -e GROUPID=`id -g ${USER}` -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -it megalib-master:latest
This leaves you in a bash terminal, where you can run any MEGAlib program. If you get an error such as "DISPLAY not found", when trying to run MEGAlib programs with an user interface, then please execute "xhost +" before running docker.
In some cases, it takes a very long time until the docker images starts. Then you have encountered a bug/inefficiency in Docker's storage driver. You can switch the storage driver to "aufs" to avoid that issue by editing the file /etc/docker/daemon.json. If the file does not yet exist, just create it. If the file is empty, add the following:
{ "storage-driver": "aufs" }
Restart Docker afterwards.
> sudo systemctl restart docker
Make sure you have Xming installed. Then open a power shell and type (obviously replace "YourComputerNameOrIP" with either your computer's name or IP):
> & 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Xming/Xming.exe' :0 -ac -clipboard -multiwindow > docker run -v C:/host/directory:/home/mrmegalib/exchange -e DISPLAY=YourComputerNameOrIP:0 -it megalib-master:latest
First, make sure the directory, you have chosen to exchange data with, is known to Docker, i.e. in the docker menu, click Preferences, and make sure it is listed under File Sharing.
Second, make sure you have XQuartz installed:
When it is installed, open XQuartz. In the menu, go to Preferences, select the Security tab, and tick the box "Allow connections from network clients". Then exit XQuartz again.
Then find out your IP address. There are many ways to do this. Here is one possibility to do that:
YOURIP=$(ifconfig | grep "inet " | grep -v | awk '{ print $2 }'); echo "Your IP: ${YOURIP}"
You need your IP to enable X11 connections via XQuartz. You do this via:
xhost + ${YOURIP}
Then you are finally ready to launch the docker:
docker run --rm -it -v /host/directory:/home/mrmegalib/exchange -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=${YOURIP}:0 megalib-master:latest
Here is a useful list of docker commands:
docker images | List the available docker images |
docker save -o MEGAlib.tar megalib-main:latest; gzip MEGAlib.tar | Save the image as a gzipped tar ball |
docker login docker tag {image ID} zoglauer/megalib:{version} docker push zoglauer/megalib:{version} |
Commands to push a MEGAlib Docker image to the Docker hub |